The mess, the noise, the dust...while we're able to understand that it's all just a temporary price we have to pay to achieve the end result, our our pets aren't able to do the same.
What they see is a home disrupted, and not surprisingly, this can result in a negative change in their behaviour. After all, their house is being invaded by "strangers" who are making a lot of noise and mess as they take it apart. Their owners may even be so distracted they're not giving them the love they deserve!
Monarch president Neil Samson has witnessed first-hand how stressed pets can become during the renovation process. "A few years ago, I was at a client's home doing the final measurements before tear down began," explains Neil. "Because the clients were doing the tear down themselves,I was demonstrating the most effective way to remove the drywall. As I lifted the hammer to the wall, their dog...sensing danger and I imagine, feeling a need to protect his owners...came up behind me and nipped at my leg. While the owners where horrified at their dog's behaviour, his reaction was completely understandable."