Monarch Kitchen and Bath Centre would like to wish you a Merry Christmas.
To your family from ours, the warmest of wishes this Christmas. May you have a safe and warm holiday full of wonderful memories.
And all the best in 2013!
Tips and Tricks for a Stress Free Holiday
Are you getting overwhelmed with Christmas just around the corner? Here are some tips to finish off the rest of your holiday preparations.
1. Think Small for your decor, if you haven't decorated yet, think on the smaller scale, perhaps purchase a small potted evergreen, adding a warm and live touch to your holiday decor.
2. Finish your gift wrapping, and while finishing off wrapping your gifts for all of your loved ones, leave off the bows and ribbons. Opting out of these items allows gifts to be more easily stacked, and makes for less stress in transport.
3. Keep some universal gifts on hand. Be it a bottle of sparkling wine, or a box of lovely chocolates, having some small holiday tokens on hand will be a wonderful gesture to those unexpected holiday guests.
4. Make space in advance. Take this weekend to clear out your front hall closet. Not only will you feel as though you have tackled a major organization project in your home. but you will also now have room to house all of the coats that your Christmas guests bring. If you don't have time to do a full overhaul, remember a bed is always a great spot to leave your guests items in a crunch.
5. Tackle your to-do's with friends. Be it wrapping your last gifts, or baking some last minute goodies, a few friends, a bottle of wine, and some laughter makes these holiday tasks all that much more enjoyable.
~Wishing you the very best this holiday Season.