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Showing posts with label family kitchen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family kitchen. Show all posts

September 10, 2015

Designing a Kitchen that Works for Your Family All Year Long

Here at Monarch, we often talk about preparing your home for the next big holiday get-together. Providing a comfortable working and entertainment space is a popular topic when clients walk into our showroom. However, homeowners initially looking for the “wow” factor during holiday season can often lose site of how the space is used the rest of the year.

“So often when we begin the process of designing spaces, we focus on the large events in our lives…the holidays and special occasions…but what we neglect to focus on are the routine comings and goings in our home,” says Monarch designer Jackie Schagen. “Our goal is to help you plan a space so that it best suits your everyday needs, as well as accommodate your special occasion needs.” 

Kitchen design by Monarch Kitchen & Bath Centre

The kitchen and dining areas are perfect examples of this. “Having your kitchen space work for you and your immediate family is very important,” explains Jackie.

Here are just a few of the factors to consider:

1. Do you have more than one cook, or more than one task being performed in your kitchen at any one time? Perhaps a designated homework area should be given priority, and not worry quite so much about accommodating 14 people for a meal.

2. Will homework be an everyday occurrence in your kitchen? You might want to incorporate a designated storage space for school items.

3. Are you an animal lover? If so, it may make more sense for your kitchen design to include an area designated for pet food storage instead of adding a fifth seat at the island.

When you work with a designer at Monarch Kitchen & Bath Centre, we can help you streamline the needs and goals for your space, and refine it to be the most functional space it can be.

Drop by our showroom or call 905-686-2001 to speak with a member of our design team.

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May 7, 2014

Renovate to Adapt Part Two: Preparing Your Home For Family Life

Last week, we discussed the pros and cons of moving vs. renovating your current home to meet your needs. It’s no secret that the time and effort spent preparing your home for sale combined with the costs of involved with moving is staggering.

Is now the right time for you to move? Ultimately, it comes down to how you want to spend your money.

This week, we’ll discuss ways to help those hoping to adapt their home from one that was perfect for two to one that can handle the demands of a busy family.

Moving Forward: From being a couple to having a couple of kids

Congratulations, your family has expanded and life as you knew it has changed! Before, it was just the two of you: taking your time to cook meals; eating out at a moment’s notice; hanging out with friends and spending a great deal of time away from home. 

Although children enrich our lives in so many ways, they also change the way we do things. Bottles and sippy cups now compete for space in your cupboard with the stylish glassware and plates you once used regularly for dinner parties. Baby food and boxed cereal have now become staples in your pantry. What you need is more storage space – it’s time for a more functional and fabulous kitchen!

Open-concept kitchen design by Monarch Kitchen & Bath Design
As the heart of the home, a kitchen with young kids running around becomes the hub for the entire family. With multiple meals being cooked there daily, your kitchen is now the centre for communication, learning, play – and oh yes, eating and storage too!

This space has never needed to be more functional than it does today. So why move? By renovating your space, you are able to work with a designer who is an expert at incorporating all of your hopes, dreams and storage needs into your home, and within your allotted budget.

Open-concept kitchen design by Monarch Kitchen & Bath Design

Consider the advantage of having a large island, where the kids can colour, craft and do homework while you prepare dinner. Tupperware and plastic containers have now infiltrated your kitchen, along with all the cool kid’s cooking tools – new deep drawers are going to be such a help!

Pantry storage doesn’t have to be just for food, it can also be a place to store kids’ things, as can the additional storage space available with in an island.

At Monarch, we can change your space to do all of these things. We can even add electrical outlets and charging stations, up and out of reach of little hands. 

Open-concept kitchen design by Monarch Kitchen & Bath Design
While storage is a priority at this stage, it’s not the only reason for wanting to focus on the kitchen when renovating. Your closed-in kitchen – although still a functional cooking area – is no longer an efficient use of space since you are constantly having to run around the wall to see if the kids in the main room are out of harm’s way. 

Opening up the space and removing a wall not only helps ensure the safety of your family while preparing a meal or unloading groceries, it enhances the overall look of your home.
Now more than ever, our customers are opting to open their homes and remove the barriers that separate them from interacting efficiently with their families. Opening up your living space and creating a great room allows you to live and function more harmoniously.

The staff and designers at Monarch Kitchen & Bath Centre are ready to help you address the changing needs for your home.